Now, if you want to steal a baby penguin from the zoo for me, please make sure it can live on it's own, because if you give me a penguin and then it dies because it can't eat food that isn't regurgitated from it's mom's belly, I'll be really pissed off.
I want a penguin! I deserve one more than you! I had them on my wedding cake!
Check it out! There's a website where you can BUY a penguin! All of the cuteness, none of the jail time!
Deal! I won't send you mine -- :)
progect save toga is on!
ew, i can't spell!
You would just need to install a doggie door on your freezer like Ace Ventura.
Poor Toga. Bring him home! Save him! I love him! This is too much for me to handle.
I want a penguin too! They are the cutest!
What a sad story...
And. Does it strike anyone else as strange that there is a breed of penguin called the "jackass penguin"?
Happy Holidays mb!
My best friend is TERRIFIED of penguins... Personally I love them. (Though not enough to have them on my wedding cake.)
Marcia, I was going to give Toga to my little sister for Christmas, but since you expressed a greater interest...
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