This is in my hometown, about 10 minutes from my childhood home. The Colorado National Monument. It hasn't been photoshopped or anything. Isn't it beautiful?
I miss being surrounded by mountains.
This Saturday was the much anticipated Summer Idol. It was fabulously fun. There was a disco ball. And flashing colored rotating lights. And an f'ing fog machine. And I took 102 pictues, unfortunately none of which are postable - too many people who have not given me permission to post their pictures on the internet. But rest assured, people who were there, CDs of the photos being circulated.
But I'm sure you want to know the important details: Matt, the fabulous lawyer-man, came in 4th, eliminated after the always-tricky country round. John was crowned the Summer Idol after singing a memorable White Wedding. The party/talent contest was so much fun that everyone's now talking about Fall Idol, a previously un-planned event brought about by popular demand.
Sunday, Matt and I stumbled on the Taste of the CWE. We knew it was going on, but we'd forgotten about it when we walked the block and a half to get a morning bagel, and found ourselves in the middle of art-fair-land.

You can tell it's art-fair-land by all the uniformly white tents pushing $1 martini "testers" on you at 11am. On a SUNDAY.
And we thought that since we were leaving, we should probably get some sort of St. Louis themed pictures - and we found the most amazing local watercolorist who paints local St. Louis landmarks. Not just Bush Stadium and the Arch, the really meaningful ones. Like the cafe that we go to for late Sunday brunches, the scottish pub and the welsh pub where we spend a lot of Saturday night, the coffee shop around the corner from our house, our favorite wine bar, and the artsy movie theatre we frequent. And many more, but those were the six prints that we bought.
I also stopped by the booth of a local jeweler who makes gorgeous dangling earrings and twisting, jeweled necklaces. I took her card and I plan on visiting her this week. As we left her booth Matt leaned over and whispered, "You're going to drop a mint in her store, aren't you?"
I was planning on it, but now I feel like he's called my bluff...
1. Tapirs are prosh.
2. The art festival sounds fab.
3. Laundry is le suck.
Glad you had a wonderful time. Do show us whatever jewelry you buy, k? That is a beautiful picture, what a view!
This post made me laugh all the way through because of your email and it's preparatory warning.
Sounds like a fun weekend. Although I would have liked to see some sternum.
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