Alright, I've never actually said that before, but considering how re-god-damn-diculously delicious THESE cupcakes are, it's my new tradition.
So, the recipe:
Vanilla cupcakes:
1 c butter
1 c superfine sugar
2 c self-rising flour
1 t banking powder
4 eggs
1 t vanilla extract (I doubled to 2 t)
Preheat oven to 350. Mix all ingredients together in a medium bowl (seriously, this is one of those just throw everything together and stir recipes). Spoon the mixture into the muffin pans (about 2/3 full, the muffins will rise when they bake). Bake for 20 minutes.
(I ate a lot of the dough. Seriously. Even with the four eggs. God, it was delicious.)
The frosting is a simple cream cheese frosting (8 oz of cold cream cheese, a t or so of vanilla, 2 to 2.5 c of powdered sugar, beat the sugar slowly into the cream cheese in an electric mixer, but do not overmix or the frosting will become thin and sticky, instead of thick and smooth), but with about a cup of diced strawberries mixed in at the lasts second. And really, the cupcakes could be from a mix, this frosting is so good it makes all the difference.
(And. The Princess in Galoshes totally inspired me to make these. Also, Bo - I have no idea how it would work with Tofutti. Because cooking with Tofutti kind of scares me.)
Holy hell, those look good.
yes, well I've NEVER made them and they are now MY new spring tradition!
Recipe, please!
Um, yum. Those look like I could eat four in less than a minute and not know what happened.
Yes, recipe please!
Mmmmmm I love any and all things strawberry!
Yummmm. How funny, I just ordered cupcakes from a bakery because I'm too lazy to make them. Though, for these, I'd make the effort.
AUUUUUGHHHHHH! You did it! I will go ahead and take partial credit for that there inspiration and birth of a tradition.
Can I have one? I am DYING, here!
does it work with Tofutti cream cheese do ya think?
I absolutely love the background of the picture! And how funny is it that after the first line of your blog I said, "I've never heard you say that before!" Then I scrolled down ...
Those look so good! I am totally making them soon. Maybe tomorrow! I have company arriving tonight and cupcakes would be a good thing to feed them.
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