Wednesday, August 06, 2008

It's True:

Sometimes, I'll be reading a new blog, and I'll really really like it, and I'll start following it on Bloglines and get really into it...

And then they'll post about how excited they are to go shopping at Wal-Mart and, frankly, that just turns me off so much, that I can't even continue.

And then I never read them again.

I mean, some people don't like peas. I just can't deal with Wal-Mart.


Holly said...

I loathe peas and Wal Mart. And, I think its funny that you stop reading cuz the Wal Mart love....I feel the same...what can I say, I'm a snob?!?!

Auburn Kat said...

How did you manage to start reading my blog then? I used to live in Wal-Mart land in Arkansas!

Uncommon Blonde said...

I could not agree more - I hate, hate, hate that place!

Anonymous said...

Bentonville ROX!

Christie said...

Amen! I can't stand that place. I don't care how cheap they are, I won't go in there.

Logan said...

One time I was there, and that giant yellow smiley face came bouncing through the store, and it crashed down right on top of this woman and killed her. True story.