Wednesday, September 21, 2005

And I thought that this was going to be easy

for some reason, it's 12:37 in the morning and I cannot for the life of me stop hitting the "publish post" button, even though it didn't work at 11:15 when I hit the button for the first time, it didn't work at 11:30 when I got really frustrated and ate some fruit snacks, it didn't work at 11:45 when the bear went to bed, it didn't work at 11:50 when I went to bed, it didn't work at 12:15 when I got out of bed, and it hasn't worked this whole time I've been up online shopping... I mean, working on my blog. I have to be at work in 8 hours, I should really go to bed, but... now that I've started this monster, I can't seem to stop it. I'm nothing if not stubborn. Stubborn in the "I'll show them what I can and cannot do" sort of way, not in the "I will get up every day and exercise because it's good for my heart even though I'm only 24" sort of way. Not in that second sort of way at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...