E-Liz (the older of the two in the picture), whose cube is next to mine, just told me what her first sentence was - keep in mind she has older, devious brothers:
"Die you gravy sucking pigs!"This was quickly followed by:
"Try to get a touchdown, scumbags!"I think my first sentence had something to do with wanting more juice....
My Mom will be so proud that this moment was documented for all to see.
I was less than pleased with my sons educational efforts on Elizabeth's behalf. (MOM)
I take exception to being characterized as "devious". Learning to say "Die you gravy sucking pigs" at an early age seems quite natural and clearly demonstrates Elizabeth's advanced verbal capacity. We were doing her a favor...
That is the funniest thing I've ever heard! I don't know what my first sentence was, but I can tell you that the first words I ever read were "Pet Sematary."
I didn't even speak English until I went to preschool.
Clearly e-liz was training very early for her publishing career. I think her first sentense should be added to Author Relations Training. Imagine the response authors would give us if we used this sentence when they have blown yet another deadline.
That makes me want to come up with a list of things to teach my brand new niece-to-be (I'm the to-be, she already is).
It also reminds me of a shopping trip to the grocery store last month.
Mom is pushing darling little baby boy (who is approximately three years old) in her cart. He is in front, driving one of the minivan/shopping cart things. He's turning the wheel, beeping the horn, and in front of the deli counter at the top of his little lungs yelled "Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!"
My computer threatened to shut itself down before I could proofread my post. For all those editor-types, please ignore the shift in tense...
It was bugging me, I had to make the correction. Sorry.
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