Monday, October 17, 2005

I thought marrying trash was a GOOD idea...

Oh wait, my husband's about to be a very successful lawyer. Brit-Brit's husband, however, is about to run this woman, and her $123 Million, into the poor house. It's one thing to marry a rich woman and want your lifestyle to improve. It's quite another to marry a rich woman and open a multimillion dollar dance studio with Michael Jackson's father Joe. (And you've gotta love that purple mini-dress on the very pregnant Brit. She should be slapped.) Why do these people think that Brit's mom Lynne can reign in this problem? She did such a fantastic job of controlling her own daughter...

And while we're complaining about the monstrosity that is K-Fed and Brit-Brit, I'd like to direct you to one of my favorite pages: The Fuggers have an entire segment of their website dedicated to our favorite white trash made good. Or sweet girl turned white trash who married ghetto trash. Or whatever you want to call them. And oh god, I can't believe they were actually allowed to breed.


Anonymous said...

I was watching Conan the other night, and he said that the slogan for the dance studio ia "Where lazy meets crazy!"

And P.S.: How is KFed spending all of Britster's cash news? Isn't that why he married her in the first place? I hate him. Poor Britney. I hope Lynne Spears lays the smack down.

Anonymous said...

Brit used to be so cute! It's a shame she's decided that trash is where it's at! She's 5 days younger than I am, and she's managed to de-class herself way more than I have!

Kat in da Hat said...

2 questions:

Are you the Marcia who pronounces it Marceeya?

Who makes your pink shoe?

Kat (in Da Hat...the original Kat, not like that kat up there....)

Marcia said...

hey da hat:

a) yes

b) kate spade

c) who are you?

Kat in da Hat said...

I'm BOTS baby! You love it!

a) Cool!

b) OMG...even cooler.

c) The coolest!