Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Question of the Day

A friend and I were talking earlier. What would you do if you threw up in an elevator - not in your building, and alone? Not from drinking, but because you were sick. Would you clean it up? Would you call someone? Would you leave it and run? Leave me some comments about it...


Anonymous said...

I think I'd probably bolt (no pun intended). What are you going to do? Go buy cleaning supplies? Your friend doesn't want to clean it up either. If there were a camera in the elevator, maybe that would be different, but only if they could trace you to your friend, which seems remote.

Also, the sick/drinking distinction: Does it really make a difference either way?

Anonymous said...

I'd probably clean up. I have generalized anxiety disorder and not cleaning it up is exactly the type of thing I would lose sleep over.

Anonymous said...

I would not clean it up, first because, what would i clean it up with and second, if i were feeling sick i would def. not feel like cleaning up puke. This is like when i knock something over in a store and a whole display comes crashing down and i just run away... except maybe this is grosser.

Anonymous said...

if i wasn't wearing expensive footwear, i'd use the vomit to spell out "i jerked off in here too"

Anonymous said...

First of all, who just gets sick? If I threw up on an elevator it would either be b/c I was still drunk/hungover or b/c I had food poisoning. But then again, who actually gets food poisoning and isn't just using it as an excuse for being too hungover to go to work? In either scenario, there would be no cleaning.

Anonymous said...

t-money makes a good point. I haven't gotten sick for a reason not of my own doing since high school. Aside from the vomit-inducing Percocet I took when I had my wisdom teeth out, the only times I've puked in the past six or so years I've been either wasted or hung over.

Anonymous said...

Ick, ick, ick. I'd run, run, run.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, and I have had real food poisoning recently. It was gross and I still can't eat Mexican food.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I'd puke again trying to clean up my own puke, especially if I was that nauseous in the first place.
Honestly, I'd notify someone, so they could get janitors in there - how much would it suck to step into an elevator and find yourself standing in a pile of puke?
I've been that person who got to clean up puke, so I know that once you alert someone, there are people with the chemicals and tools equipped to clean up such a mess.
No shame being sick - pity party for you.