Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Yeah Yeah Yeah

I know that I'm supposed to be blogging about the two big political news events of the day: Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers to the SCOTUS, and the indictment of DeLay on money laundering charges. But I haven't. I feel like I HAVE TO have all sorts of research and background for the blog, and some insights, and just be very scholarly. Which, as you all know, I'm not really. But I can't let this happen without some comment. So here it goes.

Harriet Miers is a non-nominee. Even the Conservatively Leaning Husband is truly mad about this nomination. John Roberts, say what you will, by all accounts has a brilliant legal mind. Harriet Miers, on the other hand, has nothing more than a relationship with Bush to credit her nominee to.

It very much made me happy that the first thing that the Husband said to me this morning was "This is nothing more than cronyism! It's ridiculous!" and when I came in tonight, he said, "It the same thing as if my mom were nominated!" Now his mother is a very smart woman and successful at everything she has done, but I don't want her on the Supreme Court (And, I think that my mother-in-law, who I otherwise think is fantastic, would legislate from the bench). I've asked the husband to guest blog this issue, but he hasn't come up with anything yet. Maybe tomorrow.

And DeLay. I don't have much to say about this except that prosecutor down in Texas has a pair of brass ones. And I like it. And he's probably guilty.

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