Monday, October 03, 2005

Wonkette and Washingtonienne Beware!

My life is going to be fantastic. Just check out this entry from my friend Kat's blog. She and I went to college together, and we're going to be famous together. But I kind of hate her because my blog, since I set up my hit counter, has only had 96 hits, and hers has had almost 4000. Maybe that's because she blogs more than I do. I'm working on it! I promise. Stop hounding me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't get the whole blogging thing, you're the only blog I read...I actually spend most of my day at work doing work...if not doing work, then actively looking for a new job where I a) work less and b) get paid more than my current job.

But any way, the panda was super-duper ridiculously cute and I actually did the stupid baby voice "ohhhh, he's just so vewy-vewy cute" when i saw it. And i work in BANKING for god's sake.