Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Stealing ideas from other bloggers

Michele asked her readers what their 3 favorite 4 letter words were. Her readers exploded sappiness all over the internet. That's cool. My readers would have exploded filth all over the internet. I was tempted to directly rip off her post, but I was afraid of the spontaneous profanity that I would cause. And The Other White Matt suggested a better game: What are your 3 favorite 6 letter words?

I'll tell you my LEAST favorite 6 letter word: COCCYX.


Tabitha Dial said...

Oh dear!!!!

Sorry about your injury (another bad six letter word)....

I knew I'd find marvelous fresh posts here, once I got here.... ::sigh:: I dunno why bloglines and Kinja don't seem to like me and give me a hand and mail me when you and your sissy post to your blogs.

Another least favorite six letter word of mine is ticket. Because I lost mine, and found that out with the help of the guy employed by RTD to make sure everyone has their fare.

And so I have to pay $33 now.

But my friend Nick told me about how you can donate your blood plasma and get paid $65 the first time (you have to make two visits the first week) and $20 every week after.

That'd be cool. I'd be being helpful.

But then, I don't really have TIME to try to smuuuush that into my schedule, too.

If adulthood was a six-letter word, I'd list that one, too. Oh. Here's my third least favorite word: income.

Mine is pretty sucky.

But I guess that no matter what I make, I'll never quite want to have to pay for rent and utilities and food.... I'm a biiig snot that way.


Anonymous said...

I'm not even going to bother with the 6-letter rule.
I love the words grandiloquent, raconteur, sternocleidmastoid, and my very favorite, that I learned how to pronounce when I was 13, because I'm a big dork is...PNEUMONO­ULTRA­MICRO­SCOPIC­SILICO­VOLCANO­CONIOSIS. That's black lung disease.

Anonymous said...

Too bad some of mine are more than six letters, too. How about closeted and bi-curious (which I think is divine).

librarian pirate said...

I'm a big fan of pirate
I'm also a big fan of irenic (not a typo - a terribly great word)

Hmmm ... one more ...

it isn't 6 letters, but ...


(on the same lines, I love parapatetic, hypermamiferous, ithyphallic, interdigitation, osculation, and Panopticon)

Anonymous said...

I've finally thought of a 6-letter word I love: google.

Lizzle said...

Favorite 3 letter word: RAD!
Favorite 6 letter word: F*CKED!

Least favorite 3: rot.
Least favorite 6: infest.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

favorite 6-letter word? lawyer. favorite 4-letter word? lies! ;) Marcia, I stumbled across your blog and am quite impressed. What talent! Thanks for the entertainment... Hope you and 'the husband' are doing well :)
-an ex-law-school-girlfriend

Anonymous said...

pete! haha, hope you're doing well too :)

Anonymous said...

okay...I'm going to do the really cheesy thing that no one else has done (this is one that matt should gone for):
Favorite six letter word: marcia.

Other words:
renege (for euchre...another six letter word)
yahtzee! (seven letters, but oh so fun)
dunski (for those not from minnesota, to be used after the finish of a large project or if one is really hammered...as you're stumbing out of a bar, you are DUNKSI)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I did go for it, but as The Pink Shoe has pointed out, I didn't comment that "MARCIA" is my fave 6 letter word, so I lose.

Anonymous said...

I love it when i run into my ex-girlfriend on somebody else's blog comments. Hi.

Kiki said...
