Thursday, November 24, 2005

A Thanksgiving Conversation...

Husband: Take of your apron, honey, and enjoy the fabulous meal you made!

Me: You mean, you want to see my luscious breasts? Oh wait, they're not luscious.

Husband: Well, they could be, with some silicone - or are they using saline these days?

Me: But we wouldn't want that.

Husband: No. No, of course not.

And for those who've asked, here's the pie, baked. We're going to eat it now.


Logan said...

Mmm, pie.

If there's any left, feel free to Fedex it to me immediately.

Kat in da Hat said...

Wow! Good looking pie!

Vanessa said...

The pie looks great, the ocelot is ADORABLE, and as for the cranberry sauce....
I still like to get it all out in one piece and cut it into perfect little squares.
I'm 29.

craziequeen said...

Quick on the uptake, your hubby :-)

Wish I could bake........[looks pathetic]

thanks for dropping by - Michele sent me :-)


Anonymous said...

That is one gorgeous apple pie. I love the lattice top. I can never get mine to look so....Marthaish. So I do a whole top.


*Your comments don't seem to be working. *

BarbaraMG said...

I am over from Michele's!

That is one delicious looking pie. We had Thanksgiving here in Canada back in October so I am jealous!

Hope you are a having a happy one. :0)

WendyWings said...

Hmmmmmmmmm pie *drools*
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving :)

Michele sent me :)

SarahReznor said...

mmmmm... pie....

Anonymous said...

that pie is gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful!! I'm so proud to be related to you.