And do you see? The Pink Shoe?
I did this:

And I tried to cover up the scratches on my two year old phone thusly:

Now, even though my phone is old and lame, it's bling-ly fantastic, and I'm going to show it off to everyone.
And now, three little notes:
1) I posted twice today. You should scroll down.
2) I've been messing around with my sidebar. Did you see? Dropdown Boxes. For both my archives and for all of the infamous Facts About... posts. Now, in case you wanted to know what my thoughts about, say, Baby Octopuses are, you can easily click and find it!
3) I'm going to a concert tomorrow night - Dave Matthews. I'm not sure how late I'll be, how tired I'll be, or if I'll blog tomorrow. The only thing that's really certain is that I'll take a lot of pictures at the concert. Fuzzy pictures of Dave and funny pictures of drunken assy frat boys.
I like the phone Marcia. Very nice.
I love the idea for the phone -- WAY innovative, kiddo.
And the dropdown menus are a nice touch. (That tapir post won't write itself, by the way -- get crackin'.)
Your phone looks really cute. I want to do the drop-down thing on my blog too, but don't know how.
Your phone is now a one of a kind! And you are a techy girl too!
That's blingtastic!
The bling for the phone is so girly girl. It's cute.
Have a great time at Dave Matthews. I wish I was going.
I like.
A lot.
And I'm off.
To Michaels.
So I can bling out anything that will hold a stick on rhinestone.
I'm so jealous. I LOOOOOVE me some DMB. I think Dave Matthews understands the female psyche better than any other musician. It's like his songs are written to make women horny.
omigod ur phone is so cute!! i love ittt!! i wannit toooo!! :D
Micheal's is overpriced, but I LURVE it anyway. I get lost in the yarn section. The sticker section is to die for....
Coincidentally, I have a set of blings and things that I wear on my nipples.
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