2) Many people will tell you that if you're abducted by aliens to strike at their eyes. This is wrong. You'll spend too much time trying to figure out which part of them is actually their eyes to have this be of any use. I would suggest trying to convince them that you're too important and powerful to anal probe.
3) Most likely, aliens come in peace. Either that or world domination.
4) Aliens may or may not subsist soley on solar power. Try saying that 3 times fast: Subsist solely on solar power.
5) Remember: Aliens are just like humans. Except for their home planets, physiology, and space travel and mind reading abilities.
You forgot a very important fact!
Aliens feed on the souls of ugly people. When in doubt, sacrifice the most busted looking person in your vicinity in order to save yourself! If Hollywood has taught us anything, it's that the beautiful people are always the ones to survive hostile alien attacks... This is also why hillbillies are the ones so frequently abducted.
Any post that starts with a Gary Larson makes me happyyy.
#3 - especially treu. They're rarely ambivalent.
That is completely necessary information and I shall remember it next time I meet with The Bobs.
Personally, I think Aliens get a bad rap (I almost wrote "wrap", which would have been funny). After all, they seem to want to help us, you know? They write books like How to Serve Humans - I mean, that's all good, right?
Aliens are our little buddies from outer space. No need to be afraid!
i'm gonna print that one out and make myself a wallet card. i think this is my favorite facts post! and i love the far side!!!
liz - there is one problem with your theory - beck.
Sarah, Beck is a "Scientologist" (read: "ALIEN" That is the only reason he's still among us.
Very important info! Thank you. I really thought that the eyes were the thing to go for. Thanks again for the update!
oooooooooooooohhh... i get it... my mistake.
For some reason this very topic has been on my mind lately. Thanks so much for the information.
Hah. Greatest Facts About Ever!
If aliens do subsist solely on solar power, we should ask them to hook us up with the technology. If they ask for a trade we can give them Nicole Richie or something.
i can safely say that i can sleep well tonight now that i know this.
This was one I was unaware of. I can now go to work being more knowledgable than I was yesterday.
Thank you.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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