1. This giraffe was just born at the St. Louis Zoo. It was about 9 days old when I took this picture.
2. Random birth and pregnancy facts: A giraffe is pregnant for 15 months. The babies start walking within an hour. They begin their life with approximately a six foot drop to the ground.
3. This baby giraffe, D.J. (Dexter Junior. Apparently all the non-lame names had already been taken.), was born weighing 138 lbs and standing over 5'6" tall. These are milestones that I have yet to hit, despite being 25 years older than D.J., the child prodigy.
4. Giraffes only have two speeds: walk and gallop. I like that. You know what to expect. Horses have all sorts of pansy little speeds like "trot," "cantor," and "pussyfoot around."
5. I took 60 pictures of DJ while at the zoo yesterday. Seriously, have you organized Photographers Anonymous yet? I need help.
6. E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. Loves baby giraffes. Even lions. (Lions just love them as lunch, that's all.)
Yaaaay! Super cute!
Oooh. What a cute little guy. I need to visit him ASAP.
And you need to put down the camera, ASAP.
Baby giraffes are adorable.
I like the baby giraffes.
What's wrong with the name Dexter Junior? There are a lot of great Dexters: Dexter Coakley, Dexter's Lab, Dexter that cool guy, etc.
Plus everyone will simply call him DJ. And his close pals will call him Dex.
"The name's Lanky ... Dex Lanky."
I love baby giraffes. They are so cute.
I had an amazing encounter with a giraffe when I was a child.
I was at the zoo when you could get fairly close to such animals and he bent down and took a peanut from my hand. He made direct eye contact with me. After he finished chewing, he took his reaaaaaaaaly long tongue and licked my face. Lol, I made a friend that day.
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