Saturday: I ran across a copy of Time showcasing the 100 most influential people. This gave me a fabulous idea, and I spent the next half hour flipping through the pages and informing my friends which of the people had actually been influential on my life. If you ever wanted to know me in real life, I think I just squashed that. Anyway, Crazy Tom Cruise wrote the mini-article on J.J. Abrams, and I took a picture of the article so everyone could read how insane he sounds. Aren't you happy?

(if you click on it, it'll get big and you can read it...)
Sunday: We headed to the park. I actually got a little sun! I'm not longer a pale shadow of myself. People don't laugh when I mention I'm Italian if my skin actually has color. So, as promised, my Pink Parisian Purse:

Me being artistic with with Irises growing in the lake. I really liked this picture, and I'm always excited when the pictures I take of flowers turn out. So you have to look at it:

My new pink shoes (yes, they're trainers):

Monday: Dinner at the JargonScouts:
There should be someone wearing pink pearls at every party I attend. Also, how fierce is this clavicle?

This is the winning Unicorn drawing from Cranium. I think it ROCKS. My friend drew it with his eyes closed, and um, I love unicorns.

Also, I love this little dog, Bamo. Did you know that he even rings a bell when he wants to go out? He's genius and I love him.

Wednesday: I had a fun cocktail party. I should throw more of them. They actually make my house cleaner.
I don't know why, but I cleaned the silver. Doesn't it look damn good?

And, Matt showed off some of my paintings. Here's the blue one - I think it reminds me of flamingo legs in front of an ocean.

This one's my favorite. It's frost on a window. Doesn't it look cool? I really love it. And no, it's not a cross.

Anyway. There was alcohol. Included a LOT of red wine. A LOT.

And um, my friends are gorgeous. Check out just two examples:

And tomorrow I'm heading to Indy for the wedding of a friend. I have new shoes. And a fab red dress. I may take another 137 pictures. Which I'll force you to look at.
Ok, the pictures rock... especially the unicorns, the dog, and the pink pearls.
Looks like you kids had fun at the party!
(And I really like your paintings!)
Ohh, I love all of the pictures. You're so faithful about posting them. Much better than I am about it.
The coffee set looks so nice & shiny! I love silver. (For some reason, it reminds me of romance.)
Your friends earring are fab!
Have fun at the wedding! Your pictures are great. I don't know anyone else who owns a silver coffee service.
Lovely pics. What's your camera?
Oh my gosh Oh my gosh oh my gosh.
Can you believe that JJ has a wife named Katie?
Absolutely love the pink pearls--I always think it is so much fun to take something pretty traditional (like pearls) and put a twist on them (like dying them pink!) Have fun at the wedding! :) And red dresses are soooooo much fun :)
(Oh and I'll send you an email later this afternoon answering your question)
Wow, fun night! What did the final hors d'ouvres end up being?
1. I love your flamingo painting!!
2. I must train Wilson to ring a bell.
3. J.J. Abrams rules my face. Why did they let Tome Cruise interveiw him? I'm off to read it! Have Le Fab Weekende...
DAMN! I knew there was something I was forgetting...
"Holy pink pearls, Batman! I ruv it!"
UM. ALSO, "Holy thesaurus, BATMAN, Tom Cruise wishes he was a wordsmith!!"
My life has been so much better overall since you started a blog!
Yes those pink pearls are amazing! Ditto the sweet pink capris. Must get me some of those.
And I highly doubt Tom actually wrote the article. Granted, that's how he talks, but I'm pretty skeptical. But yeah, JJ rocks for sure.
Excellent pics!! Thanks for sharing them all! :)
Okay, Tom Cruise is insane. What a nut job. And the "Double J" was like the third director attached to MI3. That article was hilarious, thanks for posting it.
What a great looking dog. What kind of dog is that? A lab? I'm not good with dog species.
Marvelous paintings!
Hey Marcia,
I am going to begin blogging at a new location, same layout.
It is:
Hope you come by and thanks for your support!
Dang girl, you not only have fantastic fashion taste, but take really good pictures too. Click away!
Is there any wine left?
Just a warning, don't head to Lam(b) today, there is a Cher survey up. But no picture of that dress you hated last time.
But it is for a good cause, so you have to take the good with the bad.
It seems that you and your friends have at least one thing in common. The complete absence of a face and upper body.
Excellent pictures from a most excellent week. I would like to emphasize that we made it through *5* wine bottles for *6* people that night of cranium madness.
Who was the weakest link?
Team Slore: 1
Team "Upstanding": 0
Pass the "bun", I want another spring roll.
Wow - hectic life, sweetie - and GORGEOUS handbag!!
Okay, I'm so visually aroused right now Marcia.
I'm totally loving the earrings, the dark pink pearls (the ONLY color pearls should be worn in), and the linen skirt with the fab shoes.
Being a pale Italian myself, I brown like a mofo, and I liiiike it. Otherwise, I have light blue skin. So not kidding.
Last but not least, I want to BURY my face in that dog's belly. Is that weird?
Marcia, I met Jules last night! We were at the same party and she recognized me from my blog!
I lost your blog in a nasty computer debacle, but the good folks out there helped get me back to you! THANKS!
That said, I absolutely love the pink pearls and the silver set is freaking amazing! You live a life that is indeed fun to read about.
Tom Cruise. I am at a loss of words here. I don't know how to respond to that at all. That guy has so got to leave.
Such fun - I love getting dressed up, having cocktails and I love polished silver (though mine languishes in a drawer, wrapped in plastic - sorry, Grandma).
I had no idea you were an artist - that's good. The Doggerel family likes the arts.
LOVE the Irises!!
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