It's even better if it ends with a party for my friend who's (sadly) leaving my department (but I try not to think about that). At the party, there were Centaurs.

And Red Stripes.

And Tanqueray and Tonics. But only one of those. But I still took a picture. Because hell, if I'm going to show you other people's drinks, I sure as HELL am going to show you mine.

Also, there was Nuclear Cheese. I called it that because I seriously think that this stuff can survive an H-Bomb. I also think that under the right conditions, this stuff can be as dangerous as an H-Bomb.

And after the party there was ice cream, and chatting. Going to parties like this make me sad, because as much as I complain, I've really grown to like St. Louis. And I love my friends here. They're fun, they're intelligent, and they're gosh-darn good looking. I don't know what I'm going to do when I move to Akron at the end of July and I have to leave them all behind.
The flava flav thing works... too bad I can't frequently work that into a conversation about real estate.
The nuclear cheese (or as Bush would call it, Nukular Cheez) scares me too... I actually posted about that once.
And cocktails are spectacular no matter what!
Oh your making me sad Marcia. It's so hard to move sometimes, but at least you have your hubby and can email. Also it's a great excuse to take lots of vacations and extended weekends.
Oh and that cheese will last as long as twinkies.
I'll tell you what you're going to do. You're going to stay. Duh.
Whoa. Centaurs. That's pretty cool. Almost as cool as sloths.
Maybe Akron has Centaurs.
And no pic of the ice cream?
Every time I visit you site I think "Marsha Marsha Marsha" even though I know your name is Mar-see-ah. Is that as funny to you? Probably not.
On to the partee: Lager and cheez whiz spells a good time. It's a fail-proof combo.
And they DO have those things in Akron. ;)
Is tanqueray good? Ne'er had it. I thought you'd already moved to The Kron. Silly me.
Moving sux.
I really want to visit Saint Louis. You know, you're not that far away from me. Not that I'm hinting or anything. ;)
FLAVA-FLAV rocks! I once had a horrible addiction to Strange Love. Shhh. Don't tell.
And I personally feel that you should move back to GJ. If I have to do it, so should you!
That cheese looks dangerous!
Wow, you ate & drank all that? You've got pipes of steel, woman! I can't imagine what it would be moving so far away, i've lived in so. cal. all my life. Thank goodness for the internet right, you can keep in touch with your friends that way. (well, obviously I'm searching for the right thing to say) I chocolate! That fixes everything for me
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