Anyway, I was awarded

2) Whenever there's a severe weather warning anywhere in Missouri or Illinois (basically anywhere that I'll hear about it) I call my husband and tell him that he has to be careful and that he can't drive anywhere until the warning or watch is over. "Matt! There's a severe thunderstorm warning in Belleville!! (Belleville is far away.) BE CAREFUL."
I'm not sure if he knows that this is a joke.
3) Speaking of my husband, he emailed me today and said, "I've been thinking about it for a while, and yeah, Marcia Pizza is my favorite food." That's right. If you said, "Matt, you can have either steak from Luger's or Marcia Pizza for dinner," there's a chance that he'd say Marcia Pizza.
Who am I kidding. He'd pick the steak. But he'd want me to make the pizza as a sidedish.
4) I can't think of a 4. It's been an hour. I think I'll give up on 4. It was never a favorite number of mine.
5) Oh yeah, 5's a lot better. I like 5.
6) But this is all I've got. Really. I'm sorry I've waisted your time.
Marcia you awesome :) congrats on the award, i love you animal facts posts!
I always take care on the road when its blizzarding in Greater Siberia. I never know.
Double Congrats! That's so sweet! : )
The pizza did look tasty for certain. One can't really go wrong with homemade pizza. AH, what do I know...I've never made homemade pizza.
Mar, you rock. We all know this. But let's get serious for a second... You took an HOUR and you couldn't think of a 4?
You deserved the perfect post award. I just have to ask...
Did that come with a side of "the perfect cheer?"
I think it's fair to say, Sloths rule.
Also, I can't think of a number 4 either.
Yes, that makes little sense.
Thanks for playing in the Blog Olympics Training Camp, Congratulations on your silver medal! I've posted the overall standings.
waisted my time? as long as you used a nice belt, I don't mind... And added some pink shoes, natch :) x
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