1. Sloths spend most of their lives hanging upsidedown. So much so that their internal organs are arranged differently than most mammals.
2. Speaking of how Sloths are different from most mammals, think about how fur grows on a cat or a dog - like most mammals, it grows towards the stomach. Sloths? Away from the stomach. Weirdos.
3. During the rainy season, for camoflage, Sloths allow blue-green algae to grow on their fur. This is GROSS.
4. As primates go, they're not that cute. I've definitely seen cuter. And less gross.
5. Pride and Gluttony are jealous, want animals named after them, too. But since they're not, you know, slothful, they'll wait for the good animals.
Sloths also spend most of their lives locked up in restaurant basements, as per "The Goonies."
This used to be one of my favorite animals. I think I felt bad for the sloth and wanted the species to know I was in their corner.
they're not cute but they are pretty funny. i think..
You are frickin' HILARIOUS.
Once at the Toronto Zoo, we saw this exhibit in which there was one (1) sloth and forty thousands (40,000) tiny little chittering monkeys. The tiny little chittering monkeys were driving the sloth CRAZY by bouncing all over him/her. We could tell this by the slo-mo swipes the sloth was taking at them.
I'm not sure what the zookeepers were thinking.
Hahahaha!!! That Toronto Zoo exhibit sounds a bit like my experiences working in a Mother's Day Out program...
Pride and Gluttony are jealous, eh?
That's because I am the animal also known as Wrath... Wrath is notorious for screaming obscenities at little old women.
Ah. Sloth (s).
Congrats on your Perfect Post Award!
Watch Discovery Channel much? :-)
I spelled much "mutch" the first time and had to use my "call a friend."
I've called people sloths. Now I feel bad.
I think this is my all-time favorite animal facts post.
i think i can actually sleep well knowing this now.
what would i have done without you and your pink shoe?
Look at their claws.
Those are weird too.
I once saw a sloth in the jungle in Costa Rica. (I was going to say, "I saw a wild sloth" but let's face it, sloths are pretty far from wild)
It was covered in lice and other grody parasites and it didn't even care. YUCK!
Looks like my mother in law ;-)
Congrats on the award!
I dunno, sloths seem pretty cool. I mean they seem like they're into their own thing and like to lounge around. I think I'm fond of them because they're lovable weirdos.
Great post Marcia!
Congrats on The Perfect Post!
Did you know that the only difference between two-toed and three-toed sloths are the number of toes on their FRONT paws? So what? They are STILL ugly, no matter how many toes they have!!
Well I guess that would make sloths unique in a special kind of way. I had no idea they are so repulsive.
Receiving a Perfect Post award makes you special too! Congrats!
We should go to the zoo together.... although the sloth I saw was not as algae covered as many may be.
Oh good times.... algae... good times.
I've always felt they were in some serious need of a good manicure.
They move like my kids when I tell them to pick up their rooms!!
Congrats on your award!!
you really helped me with my sloth project!! thx!!
a lot of help on project!!thx thx thx very much much
The three toed sloth lives in central and south america.
I want a Lemer!!!!!
The three toed sloth lives in central and south america.
I want a Lemer!!!!!
Also you helped me on a anignment thnx!!!
ok, i really feel bad for those sloths.... they will be locked up in a basement. how dare people. i cant believe those kind of peoples.
I like sloths... they're my favorite animal.
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