On our way to Indy, we passed the town that has my favorite name - and the cross that it's famous for. Really. Is this necessary? I could build a lot of low-income housing with that aluminum siding. It looks like a Jesus silo.

So, we get to Indy Friday afternoon and check into the hotel. Waiting for us at the hotel is this fruit bowl. And not just any fruit bowl, a beautiful piece of pottery made by the bride herself - because planning a wedding and finishing med school wasn't enough of a challenge. She made 40 of these for her out of town guests. And she was laid back and fun the entire past semester, and having fun and being calm the entire weekend. She's kind of a superwoman.

So my husband heads off to the rehearsal (Because we want to get as many Matts as possible in tuxes. Because the one thing hotter than a Matt is a Matt in a tuxedo.)
And, as it's approximately 3 degrees and raining, Anne and Matt and I head out to the mall for um, warm wraps to wear over our little dresses to this outside wedding. And, of course, the first thing Anne and I actually buy is matching bikinis to wear in the hotel's hot tub. (Wraps were also purchased). So, rehearsal dinner, then a piano bar in downtown Indy until extremely late at night. Drinks were drunk, the bride and groom were sung to and humiliated, and the signage in the bar was inappropriate and hilarious:

So, as the wedding is at 6pm, everyone has a relaxed and fun morning and afternoon. And then Anne and I snuck over to the honeymoon suite and decorated it for the bride and groom. CLASSILY decorated it. Classily and classically - red rose petals, strawberries, and prosecco. And Kama Sutra sex oil. You know, the basics.

Then the wedding. It was cold and raining, but it couldn't have been more perfect. I basically took pictures every 3.5 seconds the entire ceremony - so it's good that it was short. I still went through 2 sets of batteries in the evening, though. Hello, my name is Marcia, and I am a photoholic.

Then, the reception was in the Indianapolis Museum of Art. And, if you want to have a cool museum, first you give it initials that form a fun word. Then you fill it with good art. And then you allow people to have fancy wedding receptions in it. Alright, we need to move this post along. It's time for turbo blogging.
Insanely delicious cake (I had 2 pieces - I had to! Some had chocolate filling, and some had raspberry. How could I choose?):

My shoes (I lucked out - I almost always wear stilettos, and if I had, I'd have been sinking into the grass the entire ceremony. And, um, aren't they cute and unusual??):

Anne's shoes (and Anne's cute dress):

Martini (one of about 300 that were drunk this weekend):

Pink champagne (Because champagne is low-cal, until you dump a bunch of grenadine into it to make it pink. I could drink this stuff all night! And yes, the cute model is again Anne):

And. I uploaded more photos to my flickr account, so you can see more crazy fun there. Crazy fun with captions, even. And. I took 300 pictures this weekend, and I ran out of batteries for good by the middle of the reception. Do you think I have a problem?
The shoes are adorable.
ARG! Once again you have vexed us with your cute shoe-ery.
And how fabulous of the bride to go all Martha and craft handmade fruitbowls!
Looks like a fab time was had...
P.S. What's your fav town's name? Am I just really slow?
Effingham is a great city. I'm going to make you go sometime. It will be fun, fun, fun.
That bride has raised the guest gift basket bar WAY too high! Glad you had a good time. Love the shoes, as always. And your decorations for the honeymoon suite. Much more elegant than rolling babies on the nuptial bed according to an old Greek tradition (which I learned from the Knot, not an actual book about Greek weddings, so it might be BS).
There's a jesus silo just like that in Texas-- peculiar, hey?
Also I think the name of your wedding post should be Hump Me Elmo.
What a lovely wedding. And those may in fact be the coolest shoes I have ever seen.
Love your post. Looks like you had a fantastical weekend!
Realllly want to eat that cake.
First and foremost congrats to your friend and it looks like a beautiful wedding with lots of liquor which makes it even better.
It sounds like you had a fantastic time and I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR SHOES! Where did you get them? They couldn't be any cuter. SIGH.
Looks like yall had a jolly good time. Yes, I am a Southern Brit. A Southern Brit from Effingham.
We drove passed that same cross on the way here from New York. The site of it made me second guess my choice of coming out to the midwest.
The shoes are great, by the way.
Looks like a fabulously fun time was had by all!
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