If Jay is wrong, and such a long word isn't worth it, just remember that you can always go for the diet version of the password... You get all the cheesy, bacony benefits while only having to type bfastaco.
Observations and thoughts about life as seen through the eyes of a 20 something girl - this is the point where I'm supposed to say something like "making her way in the big city" but that's not true or "trying to leave her mark on the world" but also, not true who is actually making her way in the big city, and has been since August 2007. It's just me, my life, and my psychosis - and a lot of pictures of food, shoes, and sternums.
I think that mastery over such a hard word is worth the warm, bacon-cheesy feelings it will induce each time you type it.
If Jay is wrong, and such a long word isn't worth it, just remember that you can always go for the diet version of the password... You get all the cheesy, bacony benefits while only having to type bfastaco.
Much simpler.
My computer told me today that I need to change my password 'Obama08' within 12 days. What do I do?!?
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