Monday, October 10, 2005

Heros of the 80's

My friend Reina is planning on dressing like She-Ra: Princess of Power for Halloween. Yes, that is the full title. And, yes, she will only answer to her full name. She needed a little help finding some good pictures for costume ideas, and, as I'm always up for a little internet research, I helped.

Reina is currently searching for a boy-toy to dress as her twin brother, He-Man, and ignore comments from me about the incestual undertones in making your boy-toy dress as your twin brother. Those interested in the position should contact me.

Actual photos of Reina as She-Ra will be posted in early November.

All this talk about She-Ra brought me back - when I was in kindergarten, my best friend was Kabe Erkenbracht. We were best friends because our moms and younger sisters were friends. I liked him, though, because he had Castle Greyskull

Snake Mountain and many, many action figures. And there were working trap doors and drawbridges and an elevator and well... MFing cool. That's all I have to say.


Anonymous said...

For the honor of Grayskull, I am She-Ra!

Anonymous said...

Reina will be a phenomenal She-Ra! I still have my doll; I should dig it up and give it to her.

I could have used some She-Ra power this weekend when I was stuck on Vail Pass for over 5 hours!

And did I mention the wedding drama? I guess I really should get my own blog!

Anonymous said...

Damn, I'm good! I can't even tell the difference between the "Preview" button and the "Publish Your Comment" button!

Don't tell anyone I'm a teacher!

Marcia said...

haha! It's cool, brilliant Amber, I deleted your duplicate posts. You have much more important things to deal with, like bridesmaids who don't like the cute black dresses you picked out for them, and now don't know it, but are going to wear lime green.

LTNA said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who calls She-Ra, Princess of Power by her full name. And yes, I do this EVERY TIME I SAY IT. My parents raised me right.

Anonymous said...

Well, son of a... If but only I was in town for Halloween.

Marcia said...

and, thinking all day, I know that they also had the crystal castle, she-ra's home. I know this because it was a big deal that there were 4 of us and 3 playsets...

Kabe and I settled it the most mature way we knew how. We were older, we each got our own set, and the coolest - I wanted greyskull with the elevator, he wanted snake mountain for the voice modifying microphone, and susan and elizabeth got the crystal palace. Which was small. and pink (which I'd be into now). and barbie like. and over in that other corner of the basement.

being older was so cool.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Best post yet!
You rock my world, MB. I actually wanted to be He-Man this year for Halloween, but alas, trying to get brown hair blonde with those spray dyes turns my hair green. (I know this from when I tried to be Spaceman Spiff one Halloween.)
I had both Castle Grayskull and Snake Mountain, but the COOLEST action figures EVER were Battle Armor He-Man and Battle Armor Skelator. You would smash them together three times and see who won.
K, here's a secret. The worst thing that ever happened to me as a child was when I broke my power sword. I was chanting the magic words, "By the power of Grayskull... I have the power!" and I struck my sword on the ground to transform Cringer into Battlecat, and the plastic thing broke. It was that moment I felt so ... ordinary ... that I wouldn't stop crying even after my dad taped the sword back together.

Anonymous said...

Internet Research???? The Google Image Search for She Ra made my eyes burn.

Marcia said...

yeah, Big Brother, I GISed She-Ra. No eye-burning here, just some quality toys and cartoons!