Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Political Correctness

I attended a 2 day meeting that had a lot to do with conflict resolution. Early this morning we were talking about how conflict can result from having diffrent ethical views, and one of the moderaters said, "You know, like what's happening at the Plaza Frontenac today." The group was quiet for a moment, wondering what could be happening at the very upscale mall in St. Louis. Finally, someone asked, "What's happening at the Plaza Frontenac?" The moderater replied, "Well, PETA's doing some sort of protest because of a fur sale." The group was quiet. My company generally attracts the left wing granola type, and I'm sure that many in the crowd agreed with the PETA protest. It was early in the morning, but after about a second I realized what was going on. "There's a fur sale?!?!" I asked...

Unfortunately it's just J.Crew. I was hoping for Sak's or Neiman's.


Anonymous said...

I recently joined the NYC chapter of a national volunteer organization for women. One day I got a card from Lord & Taylor inviting me to a special event for members of the organization, where we'd get discounts at the fur salon. Pretty much the polar opposite of your PETA-sympathizers! (I am terrified that one of these winters some animal rights activist will attack me when I'm out for a stroll in my mink.)

Anonymous said...

J. Crew and fur? What? That seems odd to me. Are they putting fur collars on their cute little tees? or on the khakis? In my past life, I modeled a full length mink and it was fabulous!

Anonymous said...

My friend Shevaune had this link on her away message. Apparently J. Crew uses fur the origin of which they cannot verify. If it's true, I totally understand the reasons for the protest!