I bought the pair on the right in college - I think more than 5 years ago. Those things have been to Mexico, all over the Caribbean, to football games, to class, to church, to bars, they've been casual and dressy, and I think that one on the right has a darker spot on it than the one on the left becuase I stubbed my toe and bled ALL over the damn shoes. And didn't get rid of them. Because they're that often. If you look really closely, you can see that my friend KTO's cat almost chewed through one of the straps. 3 years ago.
They started to really go downhill two years ago, and they were so bad that I didn't wear them last summer, but I couldn't get rid of them.
So today, on the commute home, the girl I carpool with suggested that we stop at DSW. And I got 3 pairs of shoes for $62, including one for $10 (and a total savings of $127.14. I just love it when my total savings is almost twice what I paid AND more than $100.), and this replacement pair for $24.
It still makes me sad to throw away the old pair, but I think that the new ones are pretty darn cute.
And maybe they'll last me 5 years, too.
Those sandals look like troopers.
I salute them.
I just said goodbye to my trusty Reef flip flops. Only because I had finally broken in their replacement. It was a sad, sad day.
So sad. Poor little steves! After going through so much, they deserve more than the dumpster... I think they deserve a farewell dinner!
Aww, but the new ones are cute!
And now, on a completely unrelated note, I hope you don't have plans the first weekend in June because I'M GOING TO BE IN SAINT LOUIS!!!! Save a night for me. I'll be in town on the 3rd.
*Sigh* It is sad to retire a pair of trusty shoes. I had to do that when I moved.
I had that exact pair of shoes in black! Steve Madden rules my world...
DSW=Heaven on Earth! The first time I went to a store, I felt like I had adult ADHD. I was overwhelmed! Our record is 5 pair for 35.62....and that included Sam & Libby & Steve Madden for my daughter. Those 5 pair of shoes are like trophies to her. I'm sorry for your loss, I hope the new ones give you as many miles!
I second or third the mad love for DSW. And Steve Madden.
Good luck with the new friends! :)
First off I take shoes VERY seriously, it's sad I know. My first pair of shoes that I EVER bought with my first paycheck and kept for 6 years, finally had to be um, buried. It's sad to throw a friend away but I have to remind myself that they are SHOES not people.
It still takes some convincing, so I bid your old shoes farewell and a great big welcome to the new ones.
I know I'm weird don't judge me!
Gosh, in a weird way, I feel sad about the shoes too. (and I'm not a shoe person!)
They're both adorable, but I have to ask. You wore those to a FOOTBALL GAME??? Woman, that was either intensely brave or football games at your school were very different and involved much less physical contact than football games at my school!
I have those shoes too. I kept putting them into the pile to throw away, and the getting them back out. They're family. YOU DON'T THROW AWAY FAMILY.
clearly the Jane above who said she wasn't a shoe person IS NOT ME. =)
I'm so attached to old shoes. I can't throw them out sometimes until they become either torn or painful to wear. Farewell old shoe!
see, i'm like that with boots. i still have my old pair of doc martens i bought 10 years ago! i got a new pair but i couldnt bring myself to throw out the old pair!!!
I'm a shoe addict, too. I think yours are worth bronzing. Babies shouldn't have all the fun.
I'm so glad to know I'm not the only Pink Shoe fan who considers shoes to be family.
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