Yeah, that's a paperclip necklace. I made it about 10:30 this morning, and I wore it all day.
I think I should make a whole line of office supply jewelry and sell it on Ebay.
I'd call it PaperClip Princess. Maybe The Pink Shoe Presents: PaperClip Princess.
You know, even though it's a little bit ghetto fabulous, it's fabulous nonetheless, and you want one.
You know, I really think you should try to sell that on Ebay. Last week, someone sold one of those 'angel turds' you know, the little peanut shaped blue foam things you use for shipping stuff. If they could sale that for over $7.00, I think you most definately could sell this.
You could TOTALLY make money with that, esp if you add a couple of beads. MAybe I coulld put you in touch with my bead-obsessed mother.
Can you make me a paperclip tiara?
That necklace is fit for Peruvian Royalty.
Um, also, I'm off to go sell some Angel Turds.
you know, if you submitted that to MoMA, it would totally be called art!
You didn't mention that a lady at lunch totally asked about that necklace. She was so impressed by it.
That's hot.
Hot mar! HOT HOT HOT!
Elsa Perreti ain't got nothing on you.
I agree with Jane. Some guy sold burnt toast on ebay for like $25 dollars. You never know. You might get like $50 and then be able to grab some new pink lace up platforms for your summer skirts. It is totally worth the try.
I would also like a paperclip tiara.
wow, my paperclip necklaces never look that good! fab :)
Wow. That's pretty impressive. You should make a bracelet out of staples next. Or how about a binder flip-flops.
You can do it.
It's actually a pretty fantastic design.
I made one out of safety pins and wore it for a good year, of course I was 14 but whatever.
(there was a bracelet too)
I say go for it. Tiara, necklace, matching bracelet. Make a good starting bid. I'm with Kiki on this one, any MOMA would totally sell it.
That would totally go on Ebay. Totally.
Especially if you had a nipple slip in the photo. Just saying is all...I know what works.
That is a pretty sweet necklace. We use binder clips to pull our hair back at the office when desperate and scrunchieless and have discussed slapping some bling on them and trying to sell 'em.
I'll take two?. Does that come with the sternum?
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